
Unit 4, Part 1 Princ. Of Advertising

Posted on July 30, 2010. Filed under: Advertising, Communications, Digital Communication, Magazines, Mass Media, Newspapers, Placement, Print Media | Tags: , , , , , |

Unit 4, Part 1 Princ. Of Advertising ONLY

Unit 4 is about the Creative Side of Advertising (copywriting, scriptwriting, storyboards, ad planning).

For Part I of this Assignment, you will write ad copy for both of the ads attached to this post:
Make sure you include who you think this ad is for (it is completely made up, so there really is no wrong answer.
Part I is due Monday, August 2 by 5 p.m.
Part II. Choose one of the ads. Use this same product (whatever you named it) and write a 30 second radio commercial for it. (See the attached info for helpful tips). Include who you think should read the commercial (you will see in the information that commercials can be done by actors, company execs, or the Radio personality-DJ).
Helpful links:
Part II is due by Tuesday, August 3 at 5 p.m.
Thanks everyone! Keep up the good work!!

Unit 4, Part 1 Advertisement

Advertisement one is targeted to doctors and nurses who use surgical tape in preparing patients for surgery.

Advertisement One 





Pain Free Tape 

Stop Skin Stripping


Clinical Condition

Adhesive trauma (skin stripping and tension blisters) is one of the most common problems associated with adhesive use. Many of these injuries are prevented by careful attention to skin preparation and protection, choice of tape or dressing, and proper application and removal of tape.

Tape and Dressings

Surgery Center


Advertisement Two

Advertisement two is targeted to individuals who like to drink milk, eat cookies and shop at Walmart. 

Your Way To A Kid’s Heart

Twist & Shout

Milk & Cookies

 Great Value

Unbeatable Prices

Shop Walmart

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Unit 3_Part 3, An Advertising Campaign For A New Political Party

Posted on July 28, 2010. Filed under: Advertising, Communications, Law, Magazines, Mass Media, Newspapers, Placement, Print Media, Radio, Television, Web | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Unit 3_Part 3, The Advertising campaign, final

Unit 3_Part 3, The Campaign, Conclusion

In the previous 2 assignments focused on creating an Advertising Campaign, and you had the opportunity to create a mock campaign to fix a reputation.
For this assignment, you get to be a little creative.  

Assignment: There are many reasons to create an advertising campaign Here are just a few examples: to respond to a crisis (like the Wal*Mart Campaign), to promote a new product or service, to promote a political candidate or proposition, or to get new customers.
Go to Google Images, and type in Proposition 8.
Look at all of the different ads for and against Proposition 8 in California.  

I want you to pick a product, service, political candidate or proposition, and create a SWOT analysis and outline a mock campaign (similar to the Wal*Mart campaign you created).
Just like the previous assignment, you will need to determine your audience, brand, key platforms and cost estimate.  

Have fun with this one! Chose something you are interested in! (A store, brand of clothing, designer, politician, restaurant, etc…)  

This is due Thursday, July 29 at 5 p.m.  

Executive Summary

Proposition: The formation of a new American political party with the Tea Party movement as its political base.  

Brand Identity or Party Name: American Citizens Alliance Party. 

Target Audience: American voters including current and former Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, Republicans, and Tea Party Patriots.  

Slogan: Put ACAP On… Federal Government Spending, Taxes, Deficits, Bailouts, Debts, Entitlements, Regulations & Subsidies. 

Tagline: Faith, Family, & Freedom First. 

Song: WE THE PEOPLE by Lloyd Marcus, NEW Tea Party Unity Song



Political Party Positioning: Right of center traditional classic liberal/libertarian individualist

Key Advertising Platform: Initially an online viral marketing campaign with videos on YouTube supported by a web site. Once enough contributions are received online, a local and national radio advertising campaign on various talk radio shows.  

David A. Aaker and Erich Joachimsthaler in their book Brand Leadership states that: 

 “To be effective, a brand identity needs to resonate with customers, differentiate itself from competitors, and represent what the organization can and will do over time. Thus the strategic brand analysis helps the manager to understand the customer, the competitors, and the brand itself (including the organization behind the brand. …” 

“…In order to be communicated effectively, a brand identity needs to be punchy, memorable, focused, and motivating. ” 

A new political party needs to appeal to a broad spectrum of voters or American citizens and bring them together into an alliance to achieve one or more  political goals. 

The primary and recurring complaint of those attending the tea parties is the Federal Government is out of control with massive and increasing government spending, deficits and rapidly rising National debt. 

Tea Party Confidential: Live From the September 12 Taxpayer March on Washington


Taxpayers Gather To Protest Spending, Taxes, Growing Debt



The two major political parties in the United States, the Democratic and Republican parties, were primarily responsible for this fiscal irresponsibility, resulting financial crisis and economic recession/depression. 

The new political party’s base is the  tea party movement, which was profiled by Gallup: 

Ask Frank: Tea Party Profile



Tea Partiers Are Fairly Mainstream in Their Demographics

Skew right politically, but have typical profile by age, education, and employment

“…Tea Party supporters are decidedly Republican and conservative in their leanings. Also, compared with average Americans, supporters are slightly more likely to be male and less likely to be lower-income. 

Profile of Tea Party Supporters -- Areas of Divergence From National Adults 

In several other respects, however — their age, educational background, employment status, and race — Tea Partiers are quite representative of the public at large. 

Profile of Tea Party Supporters -- Areas of Similarity to National Adults 

The vast majority of potential party members want limited government with surplus or balanced budgets, and restoration of Constitutional limits on government spending and taxes. 

Tea Party Profile: Many Ways To Describe A Movement

“…The number of people who say they’re part of the Tea Party Movement nationally has grown to 24%. That’s up from 16% a month ago, but the movement still defies easy description.

Some on the political left see nothing but hate, while some on the right see a threat to Republican prospects. Others see a grass roots movement that is challenging a corrupt Political Class and trying to save the nation from politicians.

New data from Rasmussen Reports national telephone surveying provides some glimpses into the Tea Party movement:

· Among those who are part of the movement, 89% disapprove of the way that Barack Obama is handling his job as president. That figure includes 82% who Strongly Disapprove.

· Only four percent (4%) believe the nation is heading in the right direction, while 96% believe it is off on the wrong track.

· Ninety-four percent (94%) believe the federal government has become a special interest group that looks out primarily for its own interests. That view is held by 67% of all voters nationwide.

· Seventy-four percent (74%) believe that government and big business work together in ways that hurt consumers and investors. That’s very close to the national average. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of all voters hold that view.

· Ninety-six percent (96%) of those in the Tea Party movement believe America is overtaxed.

· By a 94%-to-one-percent (1%) margin, those in the Tea Party movement trust the judgment of the American people more than America’s political leaders. At the other extreme, among those who don’t know anybody in the Tea Party movement, 54% trust the people, and 24% trust the politicians.

· Eighty percent (80%) in the Tea Party movement are white. Six percent (6%) are African-American.

· Fifty-five percent (55%) of those in the Tea Party movement are Republicans, 14% Democrats. Keep in mind that 75% of Republican voters say that GOP leaders are out of touch with the party’s base.

· Seventy-eight percent (78%) are politically conservative. Other research has shown that more than 40% of conservatives nationwide do not consider themselves Republicans. …”

American Tea Party, Two Trillion Tons


American Tea Party Anthem (with words) by Lloyd Marcus


Tea Party Member Stuns Crowd! ORIGINAL!!!


The brand identity or party name, American Citizens Alliance Party, differentiates itself from the Democrats and Republican Parties by focusing or targeting American Citizens, potentially all American voters, and bringing them together in an alliance. 

The American Citizens Alliance Party has the acronym, a word formed from the  initial letters of the party name, of ACAP. 

The ACAP acronym uniquely captures the primary goals of the new party, namely to put a cap on Federal Government spending, taxes, deficits, bailouts, debts, entitlements, regulations, and subsidies. 

A political party or brand needs to have a slogan and tagline. 

Steven Cone in his book Powerlines: Words That Sell Brands, Grip Fans, and Sometimes Change History provides the following useful definitions: 

“…powerline. A written or spoken phrase, line or expression so artful and so compelling that it becomes the line that comes first to mind when people describe the era when it first appeared. In marketing, a uniques brand signature that sells a person, place, product, or service more effectively than the lines used by competitors because the brands and brand promises it defines are unforgettable. 

slogan. A memorable phrase expressing an idea, purpose, or claim. From the Scottish Gailic word sluagh-ghairm, pronounced slogorm, the word slogan means “battle cry.” A political slogan almost always focuses on a goal or belief, whereas slogans used in commercial advertising claim special qualities for a specific product or service. 

tagline. A slogan that is trademarked and exclusive to commercial advertising and promotion. It is a claim about exactly what the branded product or service stands for, as well as a promise of what to expect when experiencing the brand first hand. 

motto. An expression of a guiding principle of a family, club, organization, or government. Once inscribed on a badge, banner, coat of arms, monetary instrument, or license plate. Some slogans and mottos are one and the same and in these cases, the terms are interchangeable. 

jingle. An advertising slogan or tagline set to a short melody. …” 

Source: Powerlines, page xiii 

The slogan for the American Citizens Alliance Party is Put ACAP On… 

The tagline for the American Citizens Alliance Party is Faith, Families, & Freedom First 

The American Citizens Alliance Party currently has no budget for advertising. 

Therefore this new political party must at first rely upon free advertising of the party over the internet. 

The video site YouTube will be used for a distribution channel for a viral marketing campaign. 

American Citizens Alliance Party SWOT Analysis  


The general public has no preconceived ideas as to what the political party supports or opposes.  

No past track record to defend.  

No responsibility for the current financial mess in Washington, D.C.  



No human resources  

No financial resources  

No organization  

No message  

No party identity  

The general public is totally unaware of a new political party’s existence.   


Both the Democratic and Republican parties have lost membership and registered voters during the last ten years as more voters become independents.  

The independents together with both Democrats and Republican who are dissatisfied with the direction and policy positions of their respective political parties on a number of issues are searching for candidates for public office from another political party.  

  The Tea Party movement needs as soon as possible to grow into a new political party reflecting their primary concerns and values.


The Democratic and Republican parties are the primary threats with the Libertarian party being a secondary threat or a possible ally.

Existing Federal and State election laws favors the Democratic and Republican parties over any other political parties  

The Secretary of States responsible for state and Federal laws and regulations for each state are members of the Democratic or Republican parties.   

Active supporters and campaign contributors to established political parties. 

Statists–domestic and foreign.

Military industrial Congressional complex.


Progressive Radical Socialists.

Political class and elites.

Big Media



Large corporations.

Union leaders.

Trial lawyers.





Federal Government Spending, Taxes, Deficits, 

Bailouts, Debts, Entitlements, Regulations & Subsidies


“A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned – this is the sum of good government.” 

~Thomas Jefferson  







 Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, Republicans, & Tea Party Patriots


 Welcome Home


Join & Vote


American Citizens Alliance Party

Faith, Family & Freedom First


 The above advertisement would be run once the viral marketing campaign promoting the party receives enough contributions to go forward with a radio spot campaign on local talk radio shows and followed up  with print ad in local newpapers.



Background Information

 Dems Up in Generic Ballot, But GOP Has Enthusiasm Edge


Individualism “…Individualism is the moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, or social outlook that stresses “the moral worth of the individual“.[1] Individualists promote the exercise of one’s goals and desires and so independence and self-reliance[2] while opposing most external interference upon one’s own interests, whether by society, or any other group or institution.[2]
Individualism makes the individual its focus[1] and so it starts “with the fundamental premise that the human individual is of primary importance in the struggle for liberation.” Classical liberalism (including libertarianism), existentialism and anarchism (especially individualist anarchism) are examples of movements that take the human individual as a central unit of analysis.[3]
It has also been used as a term denoting “The quality of being an individual; individuality”[2] related to possessing “An individual characteristic; a quirk.”[2] Individualism is thus also associated with artistic and bohemian interests and lifestyles where there is a tendency towards self creation and experimentation as opposed to tradition or popular mass opinions and behaviors[2][4] as so also with humanist philosophical positions and ethics.[5][6]



How Can I Form My Political Party

Forming a “Third Political Party” in the United States 

“…Currently, a third party in the United States is defined as any political party other than the Democratic and the Republican parties.  
Nearly all practical matters related to American elections are handled on the state level, including the formation of parties. Individuals or groups that are interested in forming political parties should contact the appropriate state election office.  
For information on the criteria for public funding available to third parties, please visit the frequently asked questions from the Federal Election Commission (FEC).  
For additional sources of information on American elections, please visit’s section on Voting and Elections.*&p_li=&p_topview=1




List of political parties in the United States

“…Parties With Federal Representation 

Name (English)↓ Abbr.↓ Leader/Chair↓ Seats in House of Representatives↓ Seats in Senate↓
Democratic Party Dems Tim Kaine 255 57  
Republican Party GOP Michael Steele 178 41
Connecticut for Lieberman Party CL Joe Lieberman 0 1
Independent – Bernie Sanders N/A N/A 0 1
Vacant N/A N/A 2 0  


Minor parties

  • Constitution Party (1992)
  • Green Party (1996)
  • Libertarian Party (1971)

Micro parties (active)

These parties have offered candidates in recent elections. Some do not have presidential candidates, and only field candidates for Congressional and/or state-level offices.  

  • America First Party (2002)
  • American Party (1968)
  • American Patriot Party (2003)
  • America’s Independent Party (2008)
  • Boston Tea Party (2006)
  • Communist Party of the United States of America (1919)
  • Florida Whig Party (2006)
  • Independence Party of America (2007)
  • Moderate Party (2006)
  • Modern Whig Party (2008)
  • National Socialist Movement (1959)
  • Objectivist Party (2008)
  • Party for Socialism and Liberation (2004)
  • Peace and Freedom Party (1967)
  • Progressive Labor Party (1961)
  • Prohibition Party (1869)
  • Reform Party of the United States of America (1995)
  • Socialist Equality Party (2008)
  • Socialist Party USA (1973)
  • Socialist Workers Party (1938)
  • United States Marijuana Party (2002)
  • Unity Party of America (2004)
  • Workers Party (2003)
  • Working Families Party (1998)

Micro parties (inactive)

Some of these parties have nominated candidates in the past, but have not done so recently for various reasons. Others have not yet nominated any candidates.  

  • American 3rd Party (1990)
  • American Conservative Party (2008)
  • American Heritage Party (2000)
  • American Nazi Party (revived) (originally 1959)
  • American Populist Party (2009)
  • American Reform Party (1997)
  • American Third Position Party (2010)
  • Freedom Road Socialist Organization ( (1985*) (Note: both Freedom Road Socialist Organization factions are the result of a 1999 split in the original party)
  • Freedom Road Socialist Organization ( (1985*)
  • Freedom Socialist Party (1966)
  • Independent American Party (1998)
  • Jefferson Republican Party (2006)
  • Labor Party (1995)
  • La Raza Unida Party (RUP) (1970) (Spanish: Partido de la Raza Unida)
  • Libertarian National Socialist Green Party (1997)
  • New American Independent Party (2004)
  • New Union Party (1974)
  • Pirate Party of the United States (2006)
  • Populist Party of America (2002)
  • Reformist Party (2008)
  • Revolutionary Communist Party, USA (1975)
  • Socialist Action (1983)
  • Socialist Alternative (1986)
  • Socialist Labor Party of America (1876–present)
  • Workers World Party (1959)
  • World Socialist Party of the United States (1916)

Regional parties

These parties are based only in states or certain regions and rarely, if ever, offer candidates for national offices. These are all parties that are unaffiliated with national parties. Each state has official state chapters of the major parties as well as some of the minor parties.  


  • Alaskan Independence Party (1984)
  • Republican Moderate Party of Alaska (1986)


  • Connecticut for Lieberman Party (2006)


  • Blue Enigma Party (2006)


  • Aloha Aina Party

New York

  • Conservative Party of New York State (1962)
  • Liberal Party of New York (1944)
  • New York State Right to Life Party (1970)
  • Marijuana Reform Party (1997)


  • Independent Party of Oregon (2007)
  • Oregon Progressive Party (2008)

Rhode Island

  • Moderate Party of Rhode Island

South Carolina

  • United Citizens Party


  • Second Vermont Republic (2003)
  • Vermont Progressive Party (1999)
  • Liberty Union Party (1970)

See also

  • Political party strength in U.S. states
  • Party system
  • Two-party system
  • Politics of the United States  

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Unit 2 Part 2 Modern and Traditional Advertising Techniques.

Posted on July 22, 2010. Filed under: Advertising, Bandwagon, Bathroom, Communications, Contextual, Keyword/Pay Per Click/Cost Per Action, Magazines, Mass Media, Mobile, Movies, Music, Newspapers, Pixel, Placement, Print Media, Public Relations, Radio, Television, Testimonials/Endorsements, Web, Web Banner | Tags: , , , , , |

Part 2: Compose a 500-word essay comparing and contrasting modern advertising methods with traditional methods (read attached article “Modern Advertising Methods”).

Focus on how advertising has changed and/or stayed the same. Post this essay in your blog by Thursday, July 22 at 5 p.m. 

There are several types of advertising including : 

1. Product/service 

2. Branding 

3. Institutional/issue 

4. Public service announcement. 

There are also several advertising media: 

1. Print media (newspaper and magazines) 

2. Electronic media (radio and television) 

3. Online (computer and cellphone) 

4. Public spaces (billboards, buildings, buses, bus stops, taxis and signs) 

5. Directly to people (direct mail and telemarketing). 

As new media were developed the methods of advertising changed. The first advertisements were in local newspapers. 

This was followed by advertisements in magazines for a broader regional or national audience. 

The print media advertisements were largely text supplemented with illustrations and later photographs and the use of color. 

With the advent of commercial radio broadcasts, audio (voice and music) was used to advertise products and services to radio show listeners. 

 When television took off starting in 1948, advertisers still used text, illustrations, photographs and audio in their commercials that were first in black and white, then color and now high-definition. 

Now, however film or videos could be used to make commercials that were broadcast to television show viewers. 

Starting in 1995 the internet and the world-wide web  provided  a media where the viewer of a web site could interact with the advertising by first searching for the specific information and next selecting the advisement that was most relevant to them. 

This interaction consisted primarily of the viewer clicking on buttons or hyperlinks or filling out forms that were submitted and saved in databases. 

Today advertising in print media such as  newspapers and magazines and broadcasting media such as radio and television are  considered traditional advertising. 

Modern advertising increasingly uses the world-wide web to deliver the advertisers’ message aimed primarily  sell the products and services and the  brand name of the advertiser. 

Both traditional and modern advertising still use text, illustrations, photographs, images, audio, movies and videos as media to deliver the advertiser’s message.  

As consumers spent more and more time on computers and cell phones and less time reading newspapers and magazines,  listening to radio, and watching television, the advertisers started moving more and more of their advertising budget to online advertising on web sites viewed either on a personal computer or cell phone. 

Text,  illustrations and photographs first used in traditional advertising are also  being used in modern advertising including web banner, blog, mobile, contextual, keyword, promotional, pixel and public relation advertising. 

With traditional radio and television advertising the listener or viewer must watch a scheduled television broadcast which includes the advertiser’s commercial message. The communication is largely one way from the source to the receiver of the advertiser’s message. The audience is large, heterogenous, anonymous (usually unknown) and passive with little opportunity for feedback. 

With modern online advertising the viewer or listener can actively interact with the advertiser’s message by deciding first whether they even want to see the advertisement and then have an opportunity to fill out a form to obtain additional information and free promotional items  from the advertiser or even purchase the product or service over the web. The communication is two-way from the source to the receiver and back again,. The audience is smaller and targeted, more homogeneous, known and active with opportunities for immediate and later feedback. 

The techniques of modern advertising are different from traditional advertising and largely reflect the new media’s use of computers, mobile devices or cell phones, and networks to deliver the advertiser’s message. 

Advertising on web sites consists mainly of web banner ads appearing on the top of a web page. 

The early web banner ads were largely static text combined with images consisting of illustrations and/or photographs. 

Today many web banners ads now have added animations, games and video clips such Flash movies and videos embedded into the web banner ad area of the web page. 

The difference between web banner advertising and television advertising is the computer user decides when and what site to visit and decides whether they want to click on an advertisement to obtain additional information about the product or service being promoted. 

Cable and satellite television do however let the viewer decide when they want to watch a particular program or movie. 

Videos used in television commercials are also being repurposed to be used again in online video advertising . 

More and more people and businesses have blogs or web sites where people and businesses express themselves and respond to comments and questions asked by the blog’s viewers. 

The popularity of blogs has attracted advertisers who place advertisement such as web banner ads or sidebars to promote the sale of their products and service that are relevant to the blog post or blog. 

Advertisers can place and target their ads based on the content, tags and categories of a blog post. 

Viewers of a blog post on a specific subject or  category will also view a web banner ad related to the subject of the  post above the blog post. 

For example a blog post on the American revolution may view a banner ads about American history books or the American revolution. 

Thus the modern advertising techniques of web banner ads and blog advertising enable advertisers to target a very narrow audience of those most interested in the advertisers products and services. 

This is in sharp contrast to both printed media advertising and commercial radio and television advertising where the targeted audience is much broader. 

Many advertisements on web sites and blogs previously seen on a computer screen are now also available for viewing on cell phones. 

This advertising is called mobile advertising or cell phone advertising. Those viewers of an ad may be sent a text message with a promotion or attentional information about a product or service. 

Defining Mobile Marketing

SMS text messaging can be used to send text messages to cell phone users that have expressed an interest in receiving information or an advertising message about a product or service. 


Part 1: Introduction to Mobile Marketing



Part 2: Introduction to Mobile Marketing

Modern advertising includes both contextual advertising and keyword advertising techniques that are used on web sites with search engine applications. 

Today’s search engines are used by both computer and cell phone users to seek information. 

Search engine sites such as Google, Bing and Yahoo use contextual advertising to display the most relevant advertisements. 

Based on the entry typed into the search engine box, advertisements will be displayed usually at the top of the returned results page or in a separate column or panel on the far right or left of the web site page.
Keyword advertising also known as pay-per-click and cost per action advertising are used by search engine sites to sell advertising space on the web site pages to advertisers. Advertisers pay-per-click for viewers who click on an advertisement on the search returned page. 

Pay Per Click Advertising Secrets


While online advertising on web sites and blogs is by far the largest portion of modern advertising, the fastest growing is online video ads. 

Also the use of promotional advertising where giving promotional items away also worked very well on the web. An advertiser’s message is pushed to the viewer of a web site and information about the viewer is pulled from them by having the viewer fill out and submit a form to get the free valuable promotional item and information. 

Web 2.0 – Promotion Methods that get Results – Video

However, not all modern advertising is solely online advertising. 

Modern advertising also includes testimonials and endorsements, bandwagon, promotional, and bathroom advertising that has evolved from traditional advertising in the print, electronic and public space media. 

Testimonials and endorsements especially by celebrities, bandwagon and surrogate advertising  use propaganda advertising techniques.  

If some celebrity gives a testimonial and endorsement of a product, then you too are more likely to buy the product. 

With bandwagon advertising you will usually find such words as everyone, ours, we,  yours, universal, call and act now, don’t miss out, join the sensation,  and what are you waiting for? 

What is Propaganda

The advertiser wants you to jump or hop on the bandwagon and purchase their products and services just like everyone else is doing. Bandwagon advertising is  like peer group pressure. If everyone is buying and using the product or service, you should be buying and using the product or service. 

Propaganda Bandwagon

Bandwagon advertising has been used in the past in traditional advertising and is now being used online with YouTube videos as well: 

Hopping on the Advertising Bandwagon…

Getting Your Business on the Blogging Bandwagon

When alcohol and cigarette products are banned from advertising on broadcast radio and television, an advertiser can use surrogate advertising to promote the product using their brand name with another of its products which is not banned under a nation’s laws. 

The following online Youtube advertisement does exactly this by using the brand name, Club Royal, and the drink, apple juice, as a surrogate advertisement for Club Royal Whisky: 

Surrogate Advt for CLUB ROYAL WHISKY produced by AUTUMNCART

Surrogate advertising is also used by pharmaceutical companies who cannot advertise prescription medications. However, pharmaceutical companies can have an informational commercials about a disease or condition and have the  medication branding scattered throughout the advertisement to get consumers used to the brand. 

Modern advertising has even come to public bathrooms with the placement of ads on the back of doors and on mirrors. Face it, you have a captive target audience and theadvertiser’s messages are being read: 

Opportunity Knocks – AllOver Media Restroom Ads


Marketing Mirror/ Mirror Image by LuxuryTec :: The Original

Magic Display Advertising Mirror

Indoor Restroom Digital Billboards Greensboro NC

What is next in the modern advertising world? 

How about high-definition digital signage and interactive mirror advertising? 



An Introduction to Digital Signage

Interactive Mirror for DIESEL GINZA  

All advertising, both traditional and modern, uses some combination of text, images, illustrations, photographs, audio, and video to deliver the advertiser’s message whether that be to promote the sale of goods and services, a brand name, institution, issue or a public service announcement. Advertising is a big, growing and changing business. 


Background Information

Ogilvy’s New Media Guru On Online Advertising


The Future of Online Advertising is Video


Video Ads on YouTube will be Predominately Professional


David Hallerman on Gateway Advertising


Online Video Advertising Must be “Contextual”


What Is Surrogate Advertising? 

“…Surrogate advertising is advertising which embeds a brand or product message inside an advertisement which is ostensibly for another brand or product. For example, a cigarette company might issue public service announcements relating to a topic such as lung cancer, using the company’s logo or distinctive brand colors in the ads so that people are exposed to the company’s branding without seeing an explicit ad for the company’s product. The company would justify the advertisement by claiming that it’s an example of social responsibility. …”

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