
Survey of Broadcasting: Assignment 1, Question 3: Describe in detail the four “core” departments usually found at most radio stations.

Posted on June 20, 2011. Filed under: Law, Music, News, Public Relations, Radio, Regulations, Technology, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , |

3: Describe in detail the four “core” departments usually found at most radio stations.


The four “core departments” usually found at most radio stations are sales, operations, engineering, and programming.

The sales department  led by a sales manager is responsible for the sale of all commercial time to local, regional, and national sales advertisers. Larger stations may have a sales manager for local advertisers and a national sales manager of spot advertising accounts. The sales department usually includes a promotions director and research manager.

The operations department or traffic department led by an operations manager is responsible for placing the advertising on the air in compliance with the contracts executed with advertisers. This can be a complicated and difficult task in that there may be dozens of different contracts each requiring scheduled air time, position and length. Therefore many stations have automated their traffic functions to varying degrees using computer applications and systems.

The engineering department led by the chief engineer is responsible for keeping the station on the air with the best signal possible. The improvement of electronic equipment, competition from other businesses for engineering talent, and relaxed Federal regulations has led to smaller or streamlined engineering departments at most stations. Some stations also employ a part-time consulting engineer to keep the station operating optimally.

The programming department led by the program director is responsible for the audio sound and format of the station including news, music and public affairs coverage. Stations with a news/talk format may have a news director to coordinate news and public affairs coverage. Stations with a music format may have a music director to coordinate the development and implementation of the station’s music format.

The general manager or station manager has overall responsibility for  leading the four “core departments” and the day-to-day operation of the radio station. The general manager must hire the department heads and establish their goals and monitor and evaluate their performance. The general manager has overall responsibility for the station’s business performance including profits and losses, business and financial matters, budgeting, and forecasting revenues and expenses. The general manager must maintain the station’s reputation in the community. Finally the general manager must run the station in compliance with all local, county, state and Federal government laws and regulations.


Background Articles and Videos

CBS Tour- On Air at WCBS Radio -Part1


Google Radio Automation Product Tour


Presenter Radio Automation Demo from ENCO Systems


iMediaTouch Radio Automation Broadcast Software by OMT Technologies

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News Journal: Number 32, November 3, 2010:Federal Reserve Monetizes U.S. Government Treasury Debt By Printing Money–Quantitative Easing (QE2)–Devalues U.S Currency–Banks Steal American People’s Purchasing Power!

Posted on November 4, 2010. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , |

U.S. Debt Clock



The FED’s magic with money

Fed to Buy Extra $600 Billion of Treasuries; Interest Rates to Stay Low

Peter Schiff on FOX Business News 11-04-10

Peter Schiff – Republican Win, QE2 – Nov 3rd 2010

Quantitative Easing 2: US economy continues to sink (03Nov10)

CNBC: Fed’s Big Gamble–What Could Go Wrong?

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke-speech- Disaster in the making

Jim Rickards Discusses Deflation, Hyperinflation and Velocity


MUFJ’s Brown Says U.S. Recovery Shows QE Is Not Needed


Greenspan: U.S. Playing `Dangerous Game’ on Stimulus


MSNBC w/ Cenk: Matt Taibi – Magic Money Printing Machine at The Fed


Grossman Says Fed QE May Cause Commodity Prices to Rise

Glenn Beck-11/03/10-A


Glenn Beck-11/03/10-B


Glenn Beck-11/03/10-C

Ron Paul to Bernanke : Continue Down Path of Socializing Our Entire Economy 5-5-09

Fall Of The Republic 6/14: The Presidency Of Barack H Obama

On October 15, 2010 Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, presented a speech entitled Monetary Policy Objectives and Tools in a Low-Inflation Environment at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston’s Conference on Revisiting Monetary Policy in a Low-Inflation Environment.

This speech pointed out that the Federal Opening Market Committee (FOMC) was about to embark on the purchase of Treasury securities with the objectives of reducing the continuing high unemployment rate and maintaining price stability:

“…the Federal Reserve remains committed to pursuing policies that promote our duel objectives of maximum employment and price stability. In particular, the FOMC is prepared to provide additional accommodation if needed to support the economic recovery and to return inflation over time to levels consistent with our mandate. Of course, in considering possible further actions, the FOMC will take account of the potential costs and risks of nonconventional policies, and, as always, the Committee’s actions are contingent on incoming information about the economic outlook and financial conditions.”

On November 3, 2010, the Federal Reserve provided more details as the amount and duration its unconventional monetary policy that is commonly called the money printing or “quantitative easing”:

“…To promote a stronger pace of economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with its mandate, the Committee decided today to expand its holdings of securities. The Committee will maintain its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its securities holdings. In addition, the Committee intends to purchase a further $600 billion of longer-term Treasury securities by the end of the second quarter of 2011, a pace of about $75 billion per month. The Committee will regularly review the pace of its securities purchases and the overall size of the asset-purchase program in light of incoming information and will adjust the program as needed to best foster maximum employment and price stability. …”

The Federal Reserve’s cover story is simply not being bought by many economists and investment analysts that follow closely the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy.

The United States government is running massive budgetary deficits of over $1,000 billion for the past two years that will continue into Fiscal Year 2011 and 2012 and over $900 billion in 2013

There is a strong suspicion that the United States Treasury is having increasing trouble selling it securities at Treasury bond and note auctions.

Rather than go to Congress for another stimulus package that would not be approved by the new Republican House majority, the U.S. Treasury Department could simply issue more Treasury bonds and notes to finance the budgetary deficits.

The Federal Reserve’s unconventional monetary policy better known as quantitative easing 2 would mean the Federal Reserve is an investor of last resort for Treasury bond and note auctions when there is a shortage of other investors at the auctions.

The Federal Reserve will buy Treasuries not directly from the Treasury but from a third-party government security dealer or from a foreign country central bank who will act as a middle man or go between to get around the prohibition of the Federal Reserve buying Treasury securities directly from the Treasury Department.

The Federal Reserve would be monetizing Treasury debt by “printing money” in exchange of Treasury bonds and notes.

The economic effect is the decline in the purchasing power or value of the U.S. dollar.

This is a hidden tax on all Americans holding U.S. dollars.

The purchasing power of their dollar currency holdings will buy less goods and service especially imports.

The prices of all goods and services would rise–inflation.

Once this becomes apparent, the Federal Reserve’s dangerous unconventional monetary policy would have to be terminated and the Fed would have to revert back to a conventional tight monetary policy exit strategy to stop inflation by rising both the Federal Funds rate target and the sale of Treasury securities.

December 23, 2013 marks the 100 anniversary of the Federal Reserve.

By then I full expect that $1 in 1913 will be worth less than 1 cent.

The Federal Reserve System has been an abject failure in maintaining the price stability of the dollar.

The time has arrived for Congress to stop he Federal Reserve bank cartel from stealing from the American people by devaluing the U.S. dollar.

What needs to done?

First, end the Fed.

Second, cut Federal spending

Third, close permanently entire Federal Departments.

Fourth, balance the budget!

Do none of the above and the American people will throw both Democrats and Republicans out of office in 2012, 2014 and 2016.


Dr. Ron Paul says Rand and I will introduce legislation to End the Fed! First day!



Background Articles and Videos

Press Release

Federal Reserve Press Release

Release Date: November 3, 2010

For immediate release

Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in September confirms that the pace of recovery in output and employment continues to be slow. Household spending is increasing gradually, but remains constrained by high unemployment, modest income growth, lower housing wealth, and tight credit. Business spending on equipment and software is rising, though less rapidly than earlier in the year, while investment in nonresidential structures continues to be weak. Employers remain reluctant to add to payrolls. Housing starts continue to be depressed. Longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable, but measures of underlying inflation have trended lower in recent quarters.

Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. Currently, the unemployment rate is elevated, and measures of underlying inflation are somewhat low, relative to levels that the Committee judges to be consistent, over the longer run, with its dual mandate. Although the Committee anticipates a gradual return to higher levels of resource utilization in a context of price stability, progress toward its objectives has been disappointingly slow.

To promote a stronger pace of economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with its mandate, the Committee decided today to expand its holdings of securities. The Committee will maintain its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its securities holdings. In addition, the Committee intends to purchase a further $600 billion of longer-term Treasury securities by the end of the second quarter of 2011, a pace of about $75 billion per month. The Committee will regularly review the pace of its securities purchases and the overall size of the asset-purchase program in light of incoming information and will adjust the program as needed to best foster maximum employment and price stability.

The Committee will maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and continues to anticipate that economic conditions, including low rates of resource utilization, subdued inflation trends, and stable inflation expectations, are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate for an extended period.

The Committee will continue to monitor the economic outlook and financial developments and will employ its policy tools as necessary to support the economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with its mandate.

Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; James Bullard; Elizabeth A. Duke; Sandra Pianalto; Sarah Bloom Raskin; Eric S. Rosengren; Daniel K. Tarullo; Kevin M. Warsh; and Janet L. Yellen.

Voting against the policy was Thomas M. Hoenig. Mr. Hoenig believed the risks of additional securities purchases outweighed the benefits. Mr. Hoenig also was concerned that this continued high level of monetary accommodation increased the risks of future financial imbalances and, over time, would cause an increase in long-term inflation expectations that could destabilize the economy.


U.S. Treasury to Sell $72 Billion in Long-Term Debt

By Rebecca Christie – // Nov 3, 2010

“…The Treasury has been scaling back auction sizes, after expanding debt sales to finance annual budget deficits exceeding $1 trillion for the past two years. Bond dealers predict deficits of $1.214 trillion in fiscal 2011, $1.023 trillion in 2012 and $906 billion in 2013, according to a survey provided to the Treasury before this week’s announcements. …”

“…The question arose whether the Fed and the Treasury were working at cross-purposes,” the minutes said. One member said that “from an economic perspective, the Fed’s purchase of longer-dated coupons via increasing reserves was economically equivalent to Treasury reducing longer-dated coupons and issuing more bills.”

In a presentation to the Treasury, one of the committee members said that Fed easing “would force Treasury yields lower and would likely lead the curve to flatten in the five- to 10- year sector” over the next one to two years. The presenter said 30-year interest rates would likely command a higher risk premium because of concerns about inflation and the value of the U.S. dollar. …”


Monetizing Debt


The Shell Game – How the Federal Reserve is Monetizing Debt

“…Executive Summary

  • The Federal Reserve and the federal government are attempting to “plug the gap” caused by a slowdown of private credit/debt creation.
  • Non-US demand for the dollar must remain high, or the dollar will fall.
  • Demand for US assets is in negative territory for 2009
  • The TIC report and Federal Reserve Custody Account are reviewed and compared
  • The Federal Reserve has effectively been monetizing US government debt by cleverly enabling foreign central banks to swap their Agency debt for Treasury debt.
  • The shell game that the Fed is currently playing obscures the fact that money is being printed out of thin air and used to buy US government debt.

The Federal Reserve is monetizing US Treasury debt and is doing so openly, both through its $300 billion commitment to buy Treasuries and by engaging in a sleight of hand maneuver that would make a street hustler from Brooklyn blush. …”


Bernanke on Deflation Risk Part one

Bernanke on Deflation Risk Part Two

Ron Paul advisor Peter Schiff’s economic forecast

Bernanke in Denial 2005-2007

The Federal Reserve is going bankrupt

Roger E. A. Farmer: Quantitative Easing

Quantitative Easing Bernanke — History & Objectives of QE

Fall of the Republic HQ full length version


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The Obama Depression Deepens–Federal Reserve Executes–QE II Plan–”Operation Pawnshop”–$2,500 Billion In Quantitative Easing–Money Printing–Will It Be Enough?

The Ruling Establishment’s Robbery Of The American People–Deflation–Inflation–Hyperinflation–Bust–Bailout–Boom–Bubble–The Fall Of The American Republic–The Rise of One World Government and Currency–Videos

The American People Paid Off The Bets (Credit Default Swaps) Of Wall Street Investment Banks–Videos

The Massive Fraud In Mortgages Continues–Crooks and Corrupt Politicians In Charge–Videos

Quantitative Easing–Videos

Deflation, Inflation and Uncertainty–Videos

The Trillion Dollar Bet–Videos



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Posted on October 2, 2010. Filed under: Audio, Communications, Digital Communication, Radio, Television, Uncategorized, Web | Tags: |

Introduction To Microphones


Condenser vs Dynamic Microphones

Podcast-Microphone Techniques

RØDE Procaster

Ken Sparkes – Rode Podcaster (Copyright Ken Sparkes 07)

Unboxing Rode Podcaster USB Mic

Rode Podcaster USB Microphone Test

Unboxing: Microphone Boom

Sony HDR-AX2000 Unboxing / First Look

Microphone Techniques: Tips & Tricks

Video Sound Basics – 1 of 3

Video Sound Basics – 2 of 3

Video Sound Basics – 3 of 3

Key Terms

audio: The sound portion of radio and television production. The electronically reproduction of audible sound.

cardioid: Heart-shaped pickup pattern of a unidirectional microphone.

condenser microphone: A microphone whose diaphragm consists of a condenser plate that vibrates with the sound pressure against another fixed condenser plate, called the backplate. Also called electret or capacitor microphone.

direct insertion: Recording technique wherein sound signals of electric instruments are fed directly to the mixing console without the use of speaker and microphone. Also called direct input.

dynamic microphone: A microphone whose sound pickup device consists of a diaphragm that is attached to a movable coil. As the diaphragm vibrates with the air pressure from the sound, the coil moves within a magnetic field, generating an electic current. Also called moving-coil microphone.

fishpole: A suspension device for a microphone; the mic is attached to a pole and held over the scene for brief periods.

flat response: Measure of a microphone;s ability to hear equally well over its entire frequency range. Is also used for devices that record and play back a specific frequency range.

foldback: The return of the total or partial audio mic to the talent through headsets or I.F.B. channels. Also called cue-send.

frequency response: Measure of the range of frequencies a microphone can hear and reproduce.

headset microphone: Small but good-quality omni-or unidirectional mic attached to padded earphones; similar to a telephone headset but with a higher-quality mic.

impedance: Type of resistance to the signal flow. Important especially in matching high- or low-impedance microphones with high- or low-impediance recorders. A high-impediance mic works properly only with a relatively short cable, whereas a low-impedance mic can take up to several hundred feet of cable. Impedance is also expressed in terms of high-Z or low-Z.

lavaliere microphone: A small microphone that can be clipped onto clothing.

omnidirectional: Pickup pattern in which the microphone can pick up sounds equally well from all directions.

pickup pattern: The territory around the microphone within which the microphone can “hear well,” that is, has optimal sound pickup.

polar pattern: The two-dimensional representation of a microphone pickup pattern.

ribbon microphone: A microphone whose sound pickup device consists of a ribbon that vibrates with the sound pressures within a magnetic filed. Also called velocity mic.

shotgun microphone: A highly directional microphone for picking up sound from a great distance.

system microphone: Microphone consisting of a base upon which several heads can be attached that change its sound pickup characteristic.

unidirectional: Pickup pattern in which the microphone can pick up sounds better from the front than from the sides or back.

wireless microphone: A system that transmits audio signals over the air, rather than through microphone cables. The mic is attached to a small transmitter, and the signals are received by a small receiver connected to the audio console or recording device. Also called RF (radio frequency) mic or radio mic.

Key Points To remember

 1. Audio is the sound portion of a television show, it transmits information (such as a news story), helps establish the specific time and locale of the action, contributes to the mood, and provides continuity for the various picture portions.

2. The three major types of microphones are dynamic, condenser, and ribbon. Each type has a different sound-generating element that converts sound waves into electric energy–the audio signal.

3. Some microphones can hear sound equally well from all direction (omnidirectional); others hear better from a specific direction (unidirectional or cardioid).

4. Microphones are classified according to their operation and are either mobile or stationary. The mobile types include lavaliere, hand, boom, headset, and wireless microphones. The stationary types are desk, stand, hanging , hidden, and long-distance mics.

5. The lavaliere mircophone, or lav for short, is most common in small studio operations. It is usually clipped to clothing. Although it is extremely small, it provides high-quality sound reproduction.

6. Hand microphones are used when the performer needs to exercise some control over the sound pickup.

7.  When the microphone must be kept out of camera range, it is usually mounted on and operated from a fishpole or microphone boom. All boom mics are highly directional.

8. The headset microphone is used when the talent needs both hands free to take notes or work with scripts. Headset microphones are especially practical for sportscasting or for electronic new gather (ENG) from a helicopter or convention floor.

9. When unrestricted mobility of the sound source is required, a wireless, or RF (radio frequency) microphone is used. Wireless mics need a transmitter and a receiver.

10. Desk microphones are simply hand mics clipped to a desk stand. They are often used for panel discussions.

11. Stand micropohnes are employed whenever tht sound source is fixed and the type of programming permits the mics to be seen by the camera, such as in rock concerts.

13. Hanging microphones are popular in some studio productions because the mics are kept out of camera range without using booms.’

14. Hidden mcrophones are small lavalieres concealed behind or within set dressings.

15. Long-distance mics are shotgun or parabolic reflector mics that pick up sound over relatively great distances.

16. All microphones have a diaphragm, which vibrates with sound pressure, and a generating element, which tranduces the physical vibrations of the diaphragm into electric energy. In the dynamic, or moving coil, mic, the diaphragm is attached to the voice coil. The air pressure makes the voice coil move back and forth within a magnetic field. This type of genrating element is quite rugged.

17. In the ribbon, or velocity, mic, a thin, metal ribbon vibrates within a magnetic field. Because the ribbon is fragile, the mics are generally used indoors under controlled conditions.

18. The condenser, or electret, mic has a condenser-like generating element. The movable diaphram constitutes one of the two condenser plates; a fixed back plate is the other. The varying air pressure of the incoming sounds moves the disphragm plate against the fixedbackplate, thus continuously changing the capacitance of the condenser and modulating the current of the studio signal. Condenser mics have a wide frequency response.

19. Impedance, usually expressed as high-Z or low-Z, is a type of resistance to the signal flow. The iimpedances of mics and elecric instruments must be matched with that of the other electroic audio equipment. When using the firect-insertion (firect-input) method, whereby the output of electric instruments is patched directly into the mixing console, the high-Z instuments must be routed through a direct box, which changes the signal to a low-Z impedance.

20. High-quality microphones pick yp sound equally well over a ide frequency range. They can better hear higher and lower sounds without distortion–called a flat response–than can low-quality mics.

21. Micropohones can be balance or unbalance. Most professional mics have a balance output. Balanced microphone cables have two wires for the suido signal and a third wire as a ground shield. The balanced




Main Points To Remember

1.Microphones are transducers that convert acoustic energy into electric energy. The device that does the transducing is called the element.

2. The elements in professional microphones operate on one of two physical principles: magnetic induction and variable capacitance.

3. Professional microphones and equipment are low impedance.

4. The two types of professional mics that use magnetic induction are the moving-coil and the ribbon mics. The type of professional microphone using variable capacitance is the capacitor mics or microphones.

5. Capacitor microphones require a power supply to operate.

6. Some microphone models are dual-element, combining the moving-coil and capacitor designs or incorporating two capacitor or two moving-coil elements.

7.Each type of microphone is unique. One type is not so much better than another as it is more suitable for a particular application.

8. Microphones pick up sound from essentially three directions: all around–omnidirectional; front and rear–bidirectional; and front–unidirectional.

9. The unidirectional, or cardioid, design has even narrower pickup patterns. They are supercardioid, hypercarioid, and ultracardioid.

10. A microphone’s directional sensitivity can be displayed graphically in a polar response diagram.

11. A microphone’s  unidirectionality is facilitated by ports at the side and/or rear of the mic that can cancel sound coming from unwanted directions.

12. Directional sensitivity in a unidirectional microphone varies with frequency: the higher the frequency, the more directional the pickup; the lower the frequency, the less directional the pickup.

13. Multidirectional microphones have more than one pickup pattern.

14. Other types of mics with variable pickup patterns are the, sterophonic, middle-side (M-S), and infinitely variable pattern microphones.

15. Among the mics used for binaural and surround-sound imaging are the binaural microphone head and the high-definition, SoundField, Holophone, Atmos 5.1, and Schoeps surround microphone systems.

16.Microphones have been developed for special purposes; the lavalier and mini-mics to be unobtrusive; shotgun, parabolic, and adaptive array mics for long-distance pickups; the headset mic to keep background sound to a minimum by maintaining a close mic-to-source distance; the contact mic for use on a vibrating surface; the boundary mic for use on a boundary (a hard, reflective surface) so that all sound pickup at the microphone is in phase; the noise-canceling mic for use close to the mouth with excellent rejection of ambient sound; the wireless mic for greater mobility and flexibility in plotting sound pickup regardless of camera-to-source distance; the ice zone mic to pick up ice-skating sounds; and the underwater mic, or hydrophone, to record underwater sounds.

17. When using a wireless microphone system, consider the following operational and performance criteria: frequency assignment and usage, diversity reception, compression and expansion, transmission range, antenna positioning, sound quality, and the power supply.

18. The digital microphone converts the analog signal to digital when the acoustic energy is transduced to electric energy. The Neuman Solution D mic consists of three components: the digital microphone itself, the D-01; the digital microphone interface; and the software that permits the microphone’s remote-controlled operation.

19.A microphone modeler is not an actual microphone, but a microphone simulator that can be added to a hard-disk recording system as a plug-in. It is designed to emulate the sounds of most professional-grade microphones.

20. A microphone’s frequency response is the range of frequencies that it produces at an equal level, within a margin of  plus or minus 3 dB. Its frequency response curve can be displayed in a graph.

21. All microphones will distort if sound levels are too high–a condition known as overload.

22. Maximum sound-pressure level is the level at which a microphone’s output signal begins to distort.

23. To help protect against loudness distortion, may capacitor microphones are equipped with a pad to reduce overloading the mic’s electronics.

24. Sensitivity measures the voltage that a microphone produces (dBV), which is an indication of the mic’s efficiency.

25. Self-noise, also known as equivalent noise level, indicates the sound-pressure level that will create the same voltage as is the inherent electrical noise, or hiss, a microphone (or any electronic device) produces.

26. Signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) is the difference between the signal and the noise levels in an electronic component; it is measured in decibels.

27. Bidirectional and most directional microphones are susceptible to proximity effect, or bass tip-up–an increase in the level of bass frequencies relative to mid-range and treble frequencies–when they are placed close to a sound source. To neutralize proximity effect, most of these microphones are equipped with bass roll-off.

28.Hum is an ever-present concern in microphone pickup. In a mic it is typically produced by stray AC magnetic fields at 50 or 60 Hz and is particularly a problem in dynamic mics. There are several ways to minimize hum.

29.One method used to reduce hum is the humbuck coil that is built into some dynamic microphones.

30. Windscreens and pop filters are used to reduce distortion caused by wind and transients. An external shock mount, or a built-in shock absorber, is used to prevent unwanted vibrations from reaching the microphone element.

31. Standard accessories used for professional microphones include the following: twin conductor cables called balanced lines, XRL connectors, and various types of stands and clips for microphone mounting.

32. Proper care is very important to the functioning and sound quality of a microphone.

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News Journal: Number 07, August 5, 2010–Federal Judge Rules California Proposition 8 Same Sex Marriage Ban Unconstitutional–Videos

Posted on August 5, 2010. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in
singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license.
Indeed, the evidence shows Proposition 8 does nothing more than
enshrine in the California Constitution the notion that opposite-
sex couples are superior to same-sex couples. Because California
has no interest in discriminating against gay men and lesbians, and
because Proposition 8 prevents California from fulfilling its
constitutional obligation to provide marriages on an equal basis,
the court concludes that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional.”


United States District Chief Judge


Federal judge throws out California gay marriage ban

Same-sex marriage ban overturned, California’s Prop 8 ruled unconstitutional

Mark Levin on California same-sex marriage ruling


Michael Savage – Crazy Judge Struck Down California’s Ban on Same-Sex Marriage – (August 4, 2010)

In about two years the Supreme Court of the United States will finally decide whether the ban on same-sex marriage is constitutional or unconstitutional.

The majority of Americans and the world’s religions and societies consider marriage to be between a man and a woman.

The Executive, Congress and the Judicial branches of the Federal government are ignoring the will of the people on a number of issues including illegal immigration, health care, government spending and taxation.

Consensual government does require the consent of the governed.

The political elites have been exceeding their power for eight decades believing the people are not paying attention.

Unfortunately, the political elites were right up to a point.

The American people are paying attention now for the simple reason over thirty million Americans are looking for full-time employment and are not finding it.

The American people have concluded that governments, especially the Federal Government is the problem and not the solution.

The Republican Party lost big in 2006 and 2008 primarily because of excessive Federal spending and deficits and the failure in the enforcement of immigration laws and the Democratic Party will lose big in 2010 and 2012 for doing the same plus mandating or forcing Americans to purchase health insurance plans that do not want.

Repeated and continuing attempts by progressive radical socialists of both political parties  to dictate their own individual political preferences on the American people will lead in time to a revolt of the people at the State and Federal levels.

The time for a new political party to replace either or both the Republican or Democratic parties over the next ten years is a distinct possibility.

The majority of the talk show radio hosts are supporting the Republican party candidates and the majority of the television and big media are supporting the Democratic party.

The tea party movement must establish a new political party and find allies in talk radio, online and eventually on television and the print media.

The sooner this happens the better.

However, both major parties will do everything in their power to stop this from happening.

The same-sex marriage issue is largely supported by progressive radical socialist in the Democratic party.

The opposition to same-sex marriage is mostly from those who practice their faith and for religious reasons oppose same-sex marriage.

The issue of same-sex marriage should be decided by the people of each state and not by either Congress or the judiciary.

A civil union for those of the same-sex who want to maintain a long-term relationship was about as far as the majority of Americans were willing to go.

Now, the insistence on same-sex marriage will result in a backlash from the majority of Americans who oppose same-sex marriage as well as many who supported civil union between the those of the same-sex.

The American people must wait another two years before the Supreme Court finally agrees to hear the case.


Plaintiffs have demonstrated by overwhelming evidence
that Proposition 8 violates their due process and equal protection
rights and that they will continue to suffer these constitutional
violations until state officials cease enforcement of Proposition
8. California is able to issue marriage licenses to same-sex
couples, as it has already issued 18,000 marriage licenses to same
sex couples and has not suffered any demonstrated harm as a result,
see FF 64-66; moreover, California officials have chosen not to
defend Proposition 8 in these proceedings.

Because Proposition 8 is unconstitutional under both the
Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses, the court orders entry of
judgment permanently enjoining its enforcement; prohibiting the
official defendants from applying or enforcing Proposition 8 and
directing the official defendants that all persons under their
control or supervision shall not apply or enforce Proposition 8.
The clerk is DIRECTED to enter judgment without bond in favor of
plaintiffs and plaintiff-intervenors and against defendants and
defendant-intervenors pursuant to FRCP 58.



United States District Chief Judge

Background Information


“…The judge’s ruling marked another remarkable turn in California’s six-year-old legal and cultural war over the right of same-sex couples to marry. Gay-rights
groups hailed the decision and Proposition 8 supporters blasted it for thwarting the will of the voters. The ruling, which could ultimately force the U.S. Supreme Court to address the gay-marriage issue, was based on a historic trial in January in the first federal court test in the nation of a state’s right to forbid same-sex marriage.

In the coming months, it is likely to ripple into the political arena, from the midterm elections in Congress to California’s governor’s race, where Attorney General Jerry Brown has argued that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional and Republican rival Meg Whitman has supported the law.

In the meantime, supporters of Proposition 8 vowed to appeal Walker’s order to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Prop. 8 backers said in court papers that a stay of Walker’s ruling is “essential to averting the harms that would flow from another purported window of same-sex marriage in California.”

Timeline of same-sex marriage

“..This page contains a timeline of significant events regarding same-sex marriage and legal recognition of same-sex couples worldwide in modern history, followed by a timeline of notable same-sex marriages and unions.”


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Discussion #2: Recent Dallas Police Issues

Posted on July 17, 2010. Filed under: Communications, Digital Communication, Issues, Law, Mass Media, News, Newspapers, Politics, Print Media, Radio, Society, Television, Uncategorized, Web | Tags: , |

Whether you live in Dallas or not, you have probably heard the recent news coverage of the new Dallas Police Chief’s son was shot and killed after killing an officer and another man while under the influence of drugs and alcohol. To add salt to the wound, a police escort (usually reserved for officers who have fallen in the line of duty) was issued to help with the funeral procession of the chief’s son. Investigations are currently underway, but this “scandal” has been well-publicized in the media.

Read some of the following articles:
How do you think the police department and chief responded to the issue?
What could they have done better, if anything?
Respond by Monday, July 19 at 5 p.m.

After apparentlly taking some drugs and alcohol, David Brown Jr. murdered a Lancaster police officer and another person, before being killed by police officers.

David Brown Jr. was the son of  Dallas Chief of Police, David Brown.

Given the circumstances, I thought Chief Brown’s remarks were entirely appropriate as did those attending the meeting where he gave them.

The Dallas Chief of Police, David Brown, did not request a police motorcycle escort for his son,  David Brown Jr.’s, funeral procession.

The Dallas Police Chief responded well and correctly to the situation.

Apparently their was a car accident that was slowing up traffic in the neighborhood where the funeral procession was going through.

Deputy Chief Bernal reassigned some motorcycle officers to expedite the  funeral car procession going through the area to the cemetary.

Deputy Chief Bernal and the Dallas Police Department should have promptly issued a written statement about why a police escort was necessary and that Chief Brown had not requested a police escort.

The initial impression given when I heard the story on the radio was that someone in the Dallas Police force either the Chief or Deputy Chief had ordered a police motorcycle escort for his son’s funeral procession.

This would be entirely inappropriate if that was what happened.

No mention was made of the car accident in the area that was slowing the traffic flow along the funeral procession.


Background Information


Outrage Over Police Escort for Cop Killer’s Funeral


Police Escort for Cop Killer’s Funeral?



Law firm hired to probe Dallas police escort at funeral of man who killed cop

“…The City of Dallas has hired a law firm from Houston to look into the circumstances surrounding a police escort at the funeral of a cop killer.

Bracewell & Giuliani LLP has been asked to determine if department rules were violated when motorcycle officers were called to escort the funeral procession of David Brown Jr. last Friday.

Investigators say Brown killed Lancaster police Officer Craig Shaw and one other man on Father’s Day. Brown was the son of Dallas police Chief David Brown.

Several associations representing Dallas officers have criticized the decision by senior department officials to authorize the motorcycle escort.

There was no word on how much the independent investigation will cost. …”


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